2022 Sustainable Business Report

53 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | KPI SUMMARY OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS Underscoring our commitment to SDG12: Responsible Consumption and Production , resource usage is monitored and managed. Fuel usage reduced due to several initiatives including the migration of sites to external parties in the build-to-suite business model. This model leverages third parties in the maintenance of BTSs. Electricity consumption increased as we built more BTS sites. There was an increase in water consumption because we increased the scope of reporting to the regions where our regional offices, retail shops and Mobile Switching Rooms (MSRs) are located during FY22. Engaging with our stakeholders In response to stakeholder concern about electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) and 5G, we conducted a nationwide sensitisation programme involving workshops and the publication of an educational booklet. We received 16 complaints related to EMF which we addressed. The workshops, which dispelled myths about BTS's effects on human health, were attended by over 236 residents across the Nairobi, Mombasa, Kiambu and Kajiado Counties. We also revised and enhanced the EMF booklet which provides information about mobile phone, base stations and health. The EMF booklet was converted into an industry- standard booklet incorporating knowledge from the CA, NEMA, the Kenya Alliance of Residents Association, Global System for Mobile Communication (GSMA) and Strathmore Business School. ELECTRICITY, FUEL AND WATER CONSUMPTION Electricity (MWh) Fuel (Litres) Water consumption (m 3 ) 159 295 10 181 646 99 827 171 452 9 762 585 102 231 196 746 11 652 174 57 792 220 479 10 034 899 58 340 FY19 FY21 FY20 FY22