2022 Sustainable Business Report

52 | SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2022 KPI SUMMARY OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS WASTE COLLECTED AND RECYCLED (KG) Consistent with the principles of the circular economy, we focus on reducing, reusing, recycling and repurposing our waste. In FY22, we recycled 88.1% of the solid waste collected from our own operations, including paper, organic and plastics. Of this amount, 11.9% could not be recycled as it included items like diapers and face masks which pose threats to health. In a positive move, we reduced our use of paper by adopting modern, digitised ways of working. This meant shifting from physical paper signoffs to electronic signoffs and adopting digital ways of bypassing use of paper. Organic waste increased due to our introduction of a hybrid working model. This led to the reopening of the cafeterias which had been closed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Electronic, or e-waste , is a growing problem around the world. Kenya is no exception. It is estimated that Kenya generates an average of 3 000 tons of e-waste each year from computers, monitors, printers, mobile phones, fridges, batteries and other devices. 3 E-waste is hazardous because the components used to make devices such as laptops, cell phones and televisions, contain metals and chemicals known to harm human health. We collected and safely disposed of 196 tonnes of e-waste through the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Centre, the e-waste handler certified by NEMA. E-WASTE FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 E-waste collected (tonnes)* 1 072 1 287 1 430 1 626 * Cumulative tonnes since the inception of the project 3 https://worldloop.org/projects/weee_centre/ Glass Textiles Organic waste Metal Construction waste Other waste Plastic Cardboard & paper Total recycled 637 796 40 356 1 196 1 256 0 9 653 17 854 71 748  FY21: 630 ‚ FY21: 1 167  FY21: 38 841  FY21: 967 ‚ FY21: 1 521 ‚ FY21: 21  FY21: 9 420 ‚ FY21: 22 898 ‚ FY21: 75 465