2022 Sustainable Business Report

50 | SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2022 KPI SUMMARY OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS The key overarching challenge is that commercial viability and scale has yet to be achieved. Going forward, our corporate social investment strategy will focus on addressing this and we are currently assessing ways of overcoming issues and challenges. This includes establishing partnerships with others in the development field as set out below: FUTURE FOCUS • Accelerate cost leadership by negotiating better terms firm-wide for purchasing equipment for radio, core and transport networks. • Develop in-house capability for crowdsourcing that can offer flexibility in analysis. • Address the challenge of indoor coverage caused by the densification of high-rise building in urban centres. • Roll out our new technology for FWA support and 4G home customers, thereby relieving radio capacity on the 4G network for our consumer customers. • Transform M-PESA into an open platform where people can innovate and extend its capability. • Redesign the customer journey to improve user experience and awareness of the Pochi la Biashara wallet services for merchants through customer value management (CVM) and targeted campaigns. • Develop a refreshed healthcare model to facilitate ease of access by customers from a wide platform of service providers, thereby reducing costs and increasing access to options for medical services. • Focus on developing a trusted end-to-end Digifarm platform where farmers can access resources and services to improve production and direct market connections to improve their livelihoods. OUR DIGIFARM PLATFORM SCALE PRODUCTION DEVELOP PARTNERSHIPS DEVELOP INFRASTRUCTURE 1 2 3 Accelerate development of village based infrastructure - Cold chain and dry warehouses - Quality management ready aggregation centers - Quality management services - Value adding services Farmer acquisition and engagement - 3.5m+ (FY25) - Commercialization of remote private extension service providers to drive sustainability - Precision agriculture capabilities - Leverage emerging technologies Platform play to orchestrate service provision by diverse multiple players - Financial institutions - Development partners - Post-harvest and aggregation service providers - Localized logistics service providers