2022 Sustainable Business Report

40 | SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2022 KPI SUMMARY OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS TYPES OF CASES INVESTIGATED FY20 FY21 FY22 Asset misappropriation 9 2 7 Breach of policy/procedure 3 8 8 Conflict of interest 9 0 0 Data privacy 3 22 1 Negligence of duties 5 0 1 SIM swap 6 4 10 Grand total 35 36 27 ETHICS TRAINING FOR PARTNERS FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Suppliers 248 286 530 489 (61.2%) Dealers 282 309 451 435 (100%) M-PESA agents 61 567 63 812 1 345 *4 217 (100%) No. of awareness broadcasts covering all M-PESA agents 37 32 50 55 * Represents super agents trained physically, remaining agents trained during area sales manager visits and weekly awareness broadcasts. FUTURE FOCUS • Protect our customers and their privacy by ensuring the safety and security of our systems, processes and ecosystems. • Safeguard revenues, together with our company, through robust revenue assurance processes. • Prioritise fraud management and data privacy. ANTI-CORRUPTION MONITORING MEASURES (at year end) FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 26 10 21 3 18 10 23 2 8 17 17 9 14 5 19 6 Risk assessments (bi-annual cycle) Comprehensive evaluations of a range of risks, from operational and strategic to ethical and reputational Fraud reviews Conducted on specific areas/ processes suspected of having become compromised Audit reviews In-depth reviews that evaluate specific internal controls and processes Special request reviews Reviews of special areas/ processes requested by management FY19 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY21 FY21 FY22 FY22 ANTI-CORRUPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES (as at year end) 30 35 36 27 18 14 19 16 5 3 28 1 3 24 5 Fraud cases investigated Disciplinary warnings Dismissals Cases reported to law enforcement agencies