2022 Sustainable Business Report

19 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | KPI SUMMARY OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS OUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE UN SDGS OUR SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS STRATEGY We commit to deliver connectivity and innovative products and services (SDG9) that provide unmatched solutions to meet the needs of Kenyans by enabling access (SDG10) through our technologies and partners (SDG17) and by exploring opportunities in health (SDG3), education (SDG4) and energy (SDG7). We will do so by managing our operations responsibly (SDG12) and ethically (SDG16). This will stimulate growth and generate value (SDG8) for our company, society and economy. In 2016, we began integrating the SDGs into our business strategy. Since 2018, we have incorporated our priority SDGs into our performance objectives, both as a company and on an individual employee level. Each division is implementing projects or developing products and services in line with the SDGs. Reporting on targets related to the SDGs is now central to our ways of working, and we seek to empower all those with whom we work – employees, partners and other stakeholders – to set their own. Safaricom management assumes the responsibility of implementing, monitoring and reporting on sustainability initiatives through seamless integration of the SDGs into the day-to-day operations and functional responsibilities of the business. The Board and management teams are further supported by a team of champions, who assist with the implementation, monitoring and reporting of SDG-related initiatives in each of the squads and teams within our newly implemented Agile working structure. The four transformational pillars of our corporate strategy support our efforts to embed the SDGs into our everyday business activities, priorities and plans. The table alongside illustrates this by mapping the SDGs against our material topics. Governance, business ethics and risk Regulatory environment Our platforms Environmental stewardship Innovation and partnerships SDG CONTRIBUTION TO EACH MATERIAL MATTER