2022 Sustainable Business Report

12 | SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2022 KPI SUMMARY OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS SHARING RESPONSIBILITY FOR A BETTER WORLD As one of the lead companies in the UN Global Compact, we are committed to integrating a purpose-based approach to sustainability and taking a shared responsibility for achieving a better world. We continue to integrate nine material SDGs which are directly linked to our business growth strategy. Our priority SDGs have enabled us to become a more sustainable company and create meaningful impact in the communities we serve. Our alignment with our priority SDGs is detailed through this report. PARTNERING FOR GROWTH Our strong financial performance over the reporting period would not have been possible without our highly creative, innovative and exceptional staff who help us deliver our purpose of transforming lives every day in so many ways. I thank them for their commitment to our purpose and their dedication in making it come alive. I would also like to thank our shareholders, communities, business partners, regulators and the Government who enable us to continue providing services that keep Kenya running. I am grateful to our customers who remain at the core of everything we do. Looking forward, we will continue to be intuitive to our customers’ needs, listen to their concerns and address them as effectively and efficiently as possible. We will continue to combine the power of technology and innovation and leverage partnerships to reimagine ideas, products and processes and co-create solutions that meet the needs of our current and future customers over the next decade, for the future. Through strategic partnerships we will continue to expand an all-inclusive ecosystem that speaks to the diversified needs of our customers, further broadening financial inclusion and transforming lives. Together with all our stakeholders we have done and will continue to do great things. We are taking valuable lessons forward to unlock our next growth phase as we continue to meet the needs of our customers, protect the planet for the present and the future to become a purpose-led technology company by 2025. Peter Ndegwa Chief Executive Officer