2022 Sustainable Business Report

11 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | KPI SUMMARY OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS Tuungane campaign which aims to complement the Government initiatives in tackling famine by providing emergency food relief to Isiolo, Samburu, Marsabit and Turkana Counties. We set aside KSh 100 million for relief food to kickstart the campaign and have appealed to Kenyans to join us in this initiative. They can do so by donating their Bonga points which will then be used to purchase food hampers for distribution to the communities hardest hit by drought. EMPOWERING KENYANS TO DREAM… AND DREAM BIG Under the auspices of the Safaricom Foundation, our Ndoto Zetu initiative partners with Kenyans to bring community dreams to life. I am inspired and humbled by the dreams Kenyans have for their communities. These range from beating stigma around cancer to providing equipment to youth clubs and schools enabling the differently abled to empowering young farmers, to cite just a few. Ndoto Zetu has reached approximately three million people over three years, with Phase 3 implemented in the reporting year benefitting approximately 1.2 million people. Sport is another area where we encourage people to dream. Over the last 20 years, we have been one of the biggest corporate sponsors of sports in Kenya, investing over KSh 1 billion in sports ranging from football, athletics, motorsport and rugby to golf and charity runs. Our deep involvement has helped us recognise the role sports plays in empowering people. Against this backdrop, the Safaricom Golf Tour Series that kicked off in January 2022, seeks to demystify the game, long seen a sport for the elite and to make it accessible for all. The series has drawn over 9 000 participants who have participated in various tournaments, junior clinics, caddies’ tournaments, and outreach programmes dubbed ‘Golf Mtaani’. Our aim is to inspire ordinary Kenyans to dream big and see that anything is possible. This aim was given further impetus in the reporting year when we added music to Baze, our subscription based mobile-first, video-on- demand entertainment service. This has enabled Kenyan musicians to earn from their talent courtesy of a shared revenue model whereby 60% of income accrues to the artist. Baze has now joined Skiza Tunes as a key earning platform for content creators. The aim is to bring content to Kenyans by Kenyans for Kenyans and for creators to monetise their content. PROGRESSING 5G AND OUR ETHIOPIAN EXPANSION We were gratified by the granting of spectrum by the Kenyan Communications Authority to implement a commercial 5G network last year. The retail prices of 5G phones are more than KSh 100 000, putting them beyond the reach of most Kenyans. Until handsets that can receive 5G are at a sufficient scale from an individual mobile perspective, there is an insufficient need to have lots of sites that offer 5G. Accordingly, we decided to slow down the 5G rollout in Kenya and focus on the 4G network. However, we know that the 5G network heralds an era of intelligent connectivity and will be a key driver of our strategy going forward as we work to enable digital lifestyles for all Kenyans. Across our borders, much of our Ethiopian infrastructure is already in place, including two data centres and a customer call centre, on track for commercial launch in 2022. We expect to launch a phased national roll-out that will include 25 sites by April 2023. We are excited for the opportunity to work with the people of Ethiopia to set up telecom networks to deliver a digital lifestyle, increase connectivity, provide best in class telephony services, create new digital businesses and generate new jobs. In past years in Kenya, we have seen the power of digital transformation and its impact on our customers. We believe that by working with all stakeholders in Ethiopia, we can deliver a similar transformation while achieving a sustainable return to our shareholders. “Across our borders, much of our Ethiopian infrastructure is already in place, including two data centres and a customer call centre, on track for commercial launch in 2022.”