2022 Sustainable Business Report

105 PARTNERING FOR GROWTH: TRANSFORMING LIVES | OUR STAKEHOLDERS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR BUSINESS KPI SUMMARY OUR FIBRE FOOTPRINT FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Footprint (kms) – total to date 6 700 9 000 9 617 10 880 Enterprise buildings connected 2 424 3 960 4 327 4 807 Residential homes passed 297 895 331 189 349 144* 364 980 Base station types connected (%) 55 64 65 72 Number of towns connected by fibre network 54 103 Number of counties connected by the fibre network 46 46 47 48 Enterprise customers connected 5 992 11 911 15 300 17 000 Residential homes connected 107 762 142 099 150 234* 184 091 Note that the number of residential homes connected and passed for FY21, we well as the fibre footprint numbers for FY21 indicated differ from the previously published numbers due to interrogation and clean-up of data from previous years PROMOTING FINANCIAL INCLUSION FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 M-PESA M-PESA revenue (KSh billion) 75 84.4 82.6 107.7 No. of M-PESA customers (million: 30 day active) 22.6 24.9 28.3 30.5 No. of Lipa Na M-PESA merchants 122 879 172 561 301 597 492 772 Diaspora remittances through M-Pesa Global (KSh billion) 119 158 289.7 395.7 M-SHWARI No. of customers (million: active users) 3.99 4.66 3.98 4.67 M-Shwari deposits (KSh billion)* 213.4 320 571.2 745 M-Shwari loans (KSh billion) 97.5 129.6 94.5 86.1 FULIZA No. of transations (million) 46.4 392.9 787.1 1 456 Amount disbursed (KSh billion) 29 245 351 502.6 *Deposit balance (sum of monthly deposit balances) OUR STAKEHOLDERS CUSTOMERS DIGITISING THE CUSTOMER FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Smart phones connected to the network (millions) 12.2 15.0 16.7 18.5 4G enabled smartphones (millions) 3.2 6.1 8.5 11.1 OUR CUSTOMER PROFILE FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Mobile data customers (million) 19.3 20 23.77* 25.2 Total number of consumer customers (million) 29.5 31.8 31.5 32.8 Total market share (%) 71.6 68.1 75 71 * Mobile data customers number restated from prior year TOTAL MARKET SHARE (%) FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 62.4 64.5 64.4 65.3 PROFILE OF OUR ENTERPRISE CUSTOMERS FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 Total number of SME customers (thousands) 54 75 101 90 SME revenue growth (2021-2022) 27% 48% 12% 34% Total number of SOHO customers (000) 125 210 299 210 SOHO revenue growth (2021-2022) 24% 48% 20% 92% Total number of large enterprises 1 164 1 200 1 255 1 365 Large enterprise revenue growth (2021-2022) 13% 19% -15% 19% Market share in corporate segment (by customers) 99% 99% 99% 99% Market share in SME segment (by customers) 14% 20% 25% 32% Number of enterprise customers* (thousands) 180 286 401 360 Market share by revenue (excluding payments) 52% 53% 55% 58% *Corporate customers are segmented into LE, SME and SOHO