Safaricom - 2021 Sustainable Business Report

76 SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2021 / STANDING TOGETHER: GOING BEYOND / OUR MATERIAL TOPICS //// OUR STAKEHOLDERS / KPI SUMMARY 2021 SEMA SURVEY The SEMA survey is a census survey conducted every year. It measures all themes related to the Employee Experience, as well as measuring how the company’s culture (the Safaricom Spirit) is being lived, and progress on Customer Obsession. Participation in the FY21 survey registered great improvement. Out of 4 426 people who were invited to give their response, 93% responded, hitting an all-time high against 89% in 2019/20. Since the last survey, results have significantly improved in 15 out of 19 themes measured. The survey results indicate that 92% of staff in Safaricom are engaged compared to 89% reported in FY20. In addition, 93% are happy, while 89% are excited about the future and 93% are likely to recommend Safaricom as a great place to work. We are making significant progress in terms of challenging the status quo which has increased by 9% since the last survey, with satisfaction with how decisions are made up by approximately 8%. The Spirit of Safaricom has gained traction, as 98% of staff are clear on the behaviours expected of them under this drive, while 84% (a 6% improvement) of people are clear about how the SDGs relate to performance goals. Significantly more people (77%) see our leaders role-modelling the Code of Conduct. Eighty five per cent of people feel that diversity and inclusion (D&I) is celebrated in Safaricom, and 86% feel they are comfortable being themselves at work, 24% above the Kenyan national norm. People feel fairly compensated, that their manager shows genuine interest in their wellbeing – 16% above the Kenyan benchmark and 9 out of 10 people feel they have the resources they need in their work, well ahead of external benchmarks. However, only 66% of people feel free to speak their mind without fear of negative consequences and a culture of experimentation could be further encouraged. ‘Empowerment to take decisions’ still trails the Kenya national norm. People welcome the new agile mindset, but more work needs to be done to remove traditional barriers to the way work is done, and keeping processes simple and clear, for both employees and customers. A quarter of our people still need to be convinced of the proposed change programme, that leaders will help remove obstacles and that Safaricom has a good record in driving change. MAINTAINING EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT DURING COVID-19 The COVID-19 crisis had a wide range of impacts on workers globally, especially in sustaining engagement, collaboration and high levels of productivity. As the majority of our employees transitioned to work from home we had to step up efforts geared at ensuring sustained engagement: 2 400 staff participated in 11 education webinars on physical and emotional health during the crisis. Five COVID-19 pulse surveys conducted to assess staff mood and mental wellbeing with four of the surveys recording over 71% staff participation . Ten CEO Staff Engagement Webcasts held to provide business updates on changes occasioned by the roll out of the new strategy and our customer obsession journey with over 15 694 staff views . Our Bonga Na Peter platform encouraged interaction between our employees and our CEO. Over 100 issues ranging from employee experience to customer/ product related comments have been raised and responded to since the platform was reintroduced in June 2020.