Safaricom - 2021 Sustainable Business Report

54 SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2021 / STANDING TOGETHER: GOING BEYOND //// OUR MATERIAL TOPICS / OUR STAKEHOLDERS / KPI SUMMARY RESOURCE CONSUMPTION Resource efficiency under SDG12 is critical in the drive towards a more sustainable world and a key focus at Safaricom. Overall, there was an increase in electricity and fuel consumption which was largely driven by network expansion. The YoY decrease in water consumption was related to staff working from home. ELECTRICITY, FUEL AND WATER CONSUMPTION FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 ELECTRICITY (MWh) FUEL (LITRES) WATER CONSUMPTION (M 3 ) 141 500 9 432 788 91 449 159 295 10 181 646 99 827 171 452 9 762 585 102 231 196 745.6 11 562 174 57 792 MANAGING WASTE RESPONSIBLY 1 Forti V., Baldé C.P., Kuehr R., Bel G. The Global E-waste Monitor 2020: Quantities, flows and the circular economy potential. United Nations University (UNU)/United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) – co-hosted SCYCLE Programme, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) & International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), Bonn/Geneva/Rotterdam. Waste management is a challenge in Kenya. The World Bank estimates that the city of Nairobi alone generates an estimated 2 400 tons of solid waste daily, 20% of which is in plastic form. Electronic waste (e-waste) is also a growing problem. According to the Global E-Waste Monitor Report 1 , in 2019 the world generated 53.6 million metric tons (Mt) of e-waste only 17.4% of which was recycled through appropriate channels. The same report indicates that Kenya produced 51 kilotons of e-waste in 2019, equivalent to 1 kg per person. We remain committed to ensuring that waste generated from our operations is properly managed through reduction, recycling and repurposing where possible. Through our integrated waste management programme we managed to recycle 88% of the waste generated. The 9% reduction in waste recycled is attributed to staff working from home which led to decline in the amount of organic waste generated especially from our cafeterias – a major component of the waste recycled. 630 1 521 967 22 898 9 420 38 841 1 167 21 OTHER WASTE CONSTRUCTION WASTE ORGANIC WASTE CARDBOARD & PAPER TEXTILES PLASTIC METAL GLASS WASTE COLLECTED AND RECYCLED (kg)  FY20: 2 602  FY20: 5 112  FY20: 26 665  FY20: 3 098  FY20: 82 887  FY20: 168 438  FY20: 3 816  FY20: 7 292 75 465 kg TOTAL WASTE RECYCLED FY20: 292 375 kg (  74%)