Safaricom - 2021 Sustainable Business Report
5 SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2021 //// STANDING TOGETHER: GOING BEYOND / OUR MATERIAL TOPICS / OUR STAKEHOLDERS / KPI SUMMARY IN THIS SECTION Safaricom at a glance 07/ Our response to COVID-19 08/ Message from our Chairman 11/ Message from our CEO 13/ Our corporate strategy 16/ Our business model 17/ Our contribution to the UN SDGs 18/ FY21 in review 23/ True Value assessment 26/ The theme for our 2021 Sustainable Business Report is ‘Standing Together: Going Beyond’ . It is based on our 20th anniversary brand campaign dubbed ‘Twende Tukiuke’, which is loosely translated as ‘Go beyond’. This in turn is based on our commitment to help individuals, communities and businesses realise their dreams by providing transformational products and services. It is also based on our understanding that together, we are stronger. Together, we can achieve more. On 23 October 2020 we celebrated our 20 th anniversary. Our success, throughout the past two decades, has been premised on going beyond the provision of expected products and services. We have done so by standing together with our customers to identify their most pressing needs, adding value with innovative solutions and transforming every aspect of their daily lives – from home to work and beyond. In doing so, we have focused on changing society for the better, for the greater good of all Kenyans. In October 2020, we embarked on our new business strategy that will transform Safaricom into a purpose-led, technology organisation by 2025. The new strategy is based on the following: Looking back over our past successes, we recognise that we need to be future ready and continue to grow and evolve, while meeting digital trends and opportunities. We can achieve this if we combine technology and innovative thinking across every aspect of our business and use technology to transform the lives of our customers and communities, as we have done with M-PESA. Through innovation we continue to expand our impact in areas such as agriculture, education, wealth creation and health. We will leverage our long track record of technological innovation to promote financial inclusion and drive enhanced access to opportunities for our customers. Opening up access to opportunities for our customers aligns with our customer-first approach and Customer Obsession journey, launched in the period under review. Through this journey, we aim to go beyond customer excellence to becoming notoriously customer obsessed, to value and delight our customers with superior experiences by the end of FY22. Our theme ‘Standing Together: Going Beyond’ , represents our solidarity with the people of Kenya and articulates our strategic intent. We aspire to be a digital first, insights-led organisation that enables platforms and ecosystem partnerships. We always look beyond the expected to deliver the most favourable outcomes for all our stakeholders, particularly for our customers. In doing so, we connect people to people, people to knowledge and people to opportunities. As we do so, we leverage our connectivity, platforms and technology to explore new areas of growth guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and through partnerships. The COVID-19 pandemic reinforced our belief that we cannot succeed in isolation. Feedback from our stakeholders indicates that the connections we enabled and intensified throughout the pandemic helped them in innumerable ways. The theme of this report reflects both this and our alignment with and commitment to, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). Underpinning the goals is the belief that our future is interconnected – with each other and with the planet. Our approach in integrating the SDGs into our present and future activities is detailed throughout this report. ABOUT THIS REPORT This 10 th Sustainable Business Report, sets out to disclose our efforts to achieve our goal of transforming lives. We report transparently on our successes and our setbacks, with narrative supplemented by four-year graphs and tables to provide relevant, material and comparable information. Our reports since 2013 can be accessed at: transforming-lives/sustainability/sustainability-reports We cover highlights, stakeholder issues, the manner in which we went beyond the expected in FY21 and our future focus areas, all of which are important to our business and of interest to our various stakeholders. This report covers our fiscal year from 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021. For a more detailed overview of the value we bring to our stakeholders and our
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