Safaricom - 2021 Sustainable Business Report

42 SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2021 / STANDING TOGETHER: GOING BEYOND //// OUR MATERIAL TOPICS / OUR STAKEHOLDERS / KPI SUMMARY We leverage our technology and platforms, together with connectivity and innovative products and services (SDG9) to reduce inequalities by enabling access to opportunities (SDG10) and by leveraging on our partnerships ecosystem (SDG17) to create opportunities (SDG8) and contribute to sustainable development. OUR PLATFORMS As described on page 33, we have changed the title and the scope of this section of the report from “networks” to “platforms”. This is aligned with our ongoing focus on innovation and Customer Obsession. Our networks enable our platforms such as M-PESA which we are constantly refining and enhancing to add new functionalities and capabilities with the overall aim of transforming our customers’ experience and adding economic value. CONNECTING ALL KENYANS Our platforms – networks, stations and digital ecosystems – are the core foundation of our business, facilitating inclusive, sustainable economic development and innovation to transform lives. In keeping with our Customer Obsession focus, which means putting our customers first in everything we do, we monitor the critical components of our network – quality, availability and coverage – to ensure we give our customers the best overall experience. We remain committed to maintaining and expanding resilient platforms that connect all Kenyans. In doing so, we align with the SDGs – connecting people to health and education opportunities, enabling decent work and economic growth while promoting innovation and helping to reduce inequalities. OUR NETWORK Our network is our core platform and a foundational enabler on which other platforms are anchored. There was a significant increase in demand for mobile data, driven by our customers continuing to work from home and needing to stay in touch during the pandemic., We increased 4G coverage of the Kenyan population from 77% to 94%, enabling access to high speed connectivity for customers who reside in areas where fibre is yet to be rolled out, thus enabling our customers to work remotely. OUR HIGHLIGHTS • Launch of 5G and roll out of six 5G sites, with plans to deploy a further 30 sites. • For the fifth year running, we were first in all Quality of Service scores as assessed by an independent third party. • Significant growth of 40% in number of enterprise customers connected to the fibre network. • Strong growth in fibre footprint - 43.7% YoY growth in homes connected and over 15 300 enterprise customers connected. • 100% growth in the number of fixed customers on LTE to 21 364. • Growth in 4G coverage from 77% to 94% of the Kenyan population. • Accelerated fibre roll-out, to close at 4 300 fibre-ready buildings, thereby extending coverage reach for our enterprise customers. LEVERAGING OUR PLATFORMS TO SUPPORT RESPONSE TO COVID CRISIS • Aggressive fibre rollout to enable customers to work from home due to the precautionary measures imposed in response to COVID-19. This is demonstrated by the 43.7% increase in home fibre connections. • In March 2020 the Kenyan Government tasked Safaricom PLC to provide Kenyans with as much information on the Coronavirus as part of its strategy to combat the pandemic. The team designed the process flows for the USSD and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and wrote scripts for the 719 Corona Virus helpline that was made available to the public within one and a half weeks. • The team also designed a CRM portal to capture any data arising from the calls. • The technology teams enabled over 5 000 staff to make a seamless transition to work from home and set up a robust virtual private network to ensure uncompromised security. • Increased loan tenures for customers on M-Shwari and KCB M-PESA.