Safaricom - 2021 Sustainable Business Report

37 SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2021 / STANDING TOGETHER: GOING BEYOND //// OUR MATERIAL TOPICS / OUR STAKEHOLDERS / KPI SUMMARY TRAINING OUR BUSINESS PARTNERS ON ETHICS Business partner ethics training is equally as important as internal ethics training. To raise awareness, we conduct ethics training sessions, together with fraud training, for our suppliers, M-PESA agents and dealers. These training sessions are supplemented by ethics-related bulletins. Topics covered included risk management best practices, anti-money laundering, regulatory requirements, common fraud types and how to avoid them, whistleblowing and suspicious activity reporting, cyber and information security and physical security for businesses. The significant drop in agent training is attributable to the fact that training sessions in FY21 were zoom sessions that only covered agent principals and did not include agent assistants as in previous years. Due to COVID-19 restrictions we did not hold training sessions for agent assistants, however, we did promote agent assistant awareness of fraud via SMS to all tills. BUSINESS PARTNER KYC AND ETHICS TRAINING IN FY21 Business partner category FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 Suppliers 57 248 286 530 Dealers 10 282 (64%) 309 (75%) 451 M-PESA Agents 43 61 567 63 812 1 345 No. of awareness broadcasts covering all M-PESA agents 3 37 32 50 Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the provisions with which we expect our suppliers to comply as they relate to their employees (be they temporary, casual or permanent), agents and sub-contractors throughout the world. Amongst other things, provisions cover relations with competitors, bribes and conflicts of interest, child labour, wages and benefits, as well as environmental matters. We continue to make it mandatory for our suppliers to sign up to our Supplier Code of Conduct and the Code of Ethics for Businesses in Kenya, with contracts not being renewed unless they do so. Know Your Customer (KYC) helps to eliminate the possibility of fraud. In FY21, we trained 451 dealers and their staff on our KYC App, Jiandikashe. This has improved the convenience and accuracy of the SIM registration process and we will continue with training going forward. INTEGRATING DATA PRIVACY AND PROTECTION Data privacy continues to grow in relevance as a concern for our stakeholders, especially our customers. The Data Protection Act of Kenya (2019) seeks to regulate processing of personal data, and providing for the rights of data subjects as well as obligations of processors and controllers under the Act. While the regulations continue to be developed with public participation being encouraged by the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, the main principles are quite similar to the provisions under General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) of the European Union. Our data protection department reviews our processes and policies and ensures that we are compliant with all regulations. We have a dedicated contact address ( ) where our stakeholders may raise any data protection concern or exercise their rights. We inform customers on what data we collect, why and what we do with it. We have developed and published our privacy statements across all digital channels for our customers, employees, suppliers, investors and other partners https://www. Our strong 24/7 cybersecurity controls ensure our customers’ personal data is protected and unauthorised sharing of data is prevented. Our incident escalation process quickly identifies and addresses any breaches that could occur. External breaches, should they occur, are pursued according to the law. We conduct ongoing training for staff, dealers, agents, partners and suppliers on the principles and obligations of data protection and privacy through a variety of channels to ensure we process data with the utmost care. In the period under review we trained and certified over 70 data protection champions across the business with the ISO 27701 implementer certification. This was supplemented by in-house training and awareness for all staff. SUPPORTING OUR CUSTOMERS TO TACKLE FRAUD Identity theft and social engineering fraud have been some of the most common forms of fraud targeted at our M-PESA customers. In FY21, we continued with our customer fraud awareness drive. We highlighted the issues through an above-the-line campaign under the tag Jichanue and Take Control, using radio, TV and digital channels. With the aim to reach all customers, we sent out over 63 million SMS broadcasts. Additionally, our digital channels reached 9.5 million people and our radio campaign reached over 8 million people.