Safaricom - 2021 Sustainable Business Report
33 SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2021 / STANDING TOGETHER: GOING BEYOND //// OUR MATERIAL TOPICS / OUR STAKEHOLDERS / KPI SUMMARY Our material topics are the most important environmental, social, economic and governance imperatives and opportunities for our organisation and our stakeholders. This section describes each of our material topics, how they influence us and how we respond to them as an organisation. As part of our ongoing commitment to the SDGs, we have included references to the Goals to which we have aligned our efforts in each chapter. Due to the significant changes in the operating landscape, shifts in our strategy and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2021 we conducted a refreshed materiality assessment. The purpose was to determine whether our material topics still address the needs of our various stakeholder groups. With the assistance of an independent party, a desktop benchmarking exercise was conducted to understand and compare the material issues reported on by other telecommunications and financial services businesses. Interviews were also conducted with internal and external stakeholders to understand more fully the challenges and opportunities they see in the changed operating landscape, as well as the sustainability risks and focus areas they deem to be significant to Safaricom, especially in relation to their area of interest. Through this assessment, we concluded that the sustainability material topics we have been covering are still the most important environmental, social, economic and governance imperatives and opportunities for our organisation and our stakeholders. However, we have made some changes: • We have upweighted discussion on cyber security and data privacy due to the significance of these risks under Governance, Business Ethics and Risk. • We have amended the section previously entitled ‘Our Networks’ to ‘Our Platforms’ in order to incorporate the perspective of the customer and better reflect that we are more than just a network and to also reflect our transition from a telco to a technology company. • The title of the Innovation section has been amended to ‘Innovation and Partnerships’ in line with our new strategy which includes partnerships and mergers and acquisitions as the focus areas for future innovations. IN THIS SECTION Governance, business ethics and risk 34/ Our regulatory environment 39/ Our platforms 42/ Environmental stewardship 50/ Innovation and partnerships 56/
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