Our customer base is comprised of individuals and organisations across Kenya. We classify our customers into two main categories: consumer and enterprise. The former are consumers of products and services such as voice, mobile and fixed data and mobile money, while enterprise customers include businesses of all sizes ranging from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to large corporates and public entities.

In FY21, we embarked on our Customer Obsession journey whereby we seek to deepen customer engagement and experience.

Under Customer Obsession, we will work to add value continuously to our customers’ experience of and interaction with us, using various touch points and platforms to collect feedback regularly and prioritise customer needs. Our approach in deepening the engagement with our customers is based on six pillars:


The ongoing pandemic caused economic hardship for many Kenyans. Despite the sustained pressure on shrinking consumer wallets, we added an additional 2.82 million consumer customers during the year, growing the number of one month active customers to 31.45 million, M-PESA customers increased by 3.4 million and showing a steady growth in mobile data customers over the last four years.


Recognising the economic stress many of our customers were under, we focused on enhancing value for money for our customers through our products and services and enhancing their experience.

Value-for-money offerings include:

  • Tunukiwa, a service aimed at giving our prepaid, postpaid and hybrid subscribers the opportunity to choose personalised offers for data, SMS, voice and Talk time.
  • Unlock Free 500MBs, a data campaign whereby customers are assigned a daily data offer or purchase a data bundle for a value equal to or greater than their daily offer and are thereafter awarded a free data amount of 500MBs that expires at midnight.
  • Facebook Kadogo, which allows our customers to enjoy free Facebook even when they run out of internet bundles.
  • We also launched new secure, stable and reliable digital channels offering best in class customer experience compared to traditional USSD through the MySafaricom App which had 2.5 million downloads with a 4.5/5 rating and 50% monthly active customers.


With more people staying at home during the pandemic, interest in gaming rose. We responded by launching an online gaming competition for customers using our Games Lounge service. The 8-week MobiPlay Challenge saw customers compete on simple puzzle, arcade and action games with daily and weekly prizes as well as a grand prize up for grabs. Customers who subscribed to the daily KSh10 Games Lounge bundle, received a 50MB gaming pass to compete in daily and weekly challenges on the platform. The competition ran from 7th July 2020 to 4th September 2020, with 10 daily winners for 60 days, 5 weekly winners for 8 weeks and a grand prize winner. Our gaming customer base increased significantly from 180 000 to 520 000 by year-end.



The decrease in our staff numbers during the year is largely due to staff turnover. In a number of instances where staff resigned, their roles were subsequently deemed redundant or merged with others and they therefore did not need to be replaced. These changes were aligned to achieving efficiencies with regards to the shifts that were brought about by working from home.



*Only Safaricom employee man-hours tracked hence FIFR and LTIFR tracking at zero