Safaricom - 2020 Sustainable Business Report

7 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR STAKEHOLDERS CONCLUDING REMARKS ENVIRONMENT ECONOMIC FINANCIAL* 13% 12.8% 16.1% 20.1% Impact on society Taxes, duties and licence fees paid by Safaricom using solar and hybrid clean power total waste collected (97% recycled or re-purposed) tonnes of e-waste collected to date KSh 111 bn 9x profit 221 sites 299 910 kg 1 287 2.4% water consumption 102 231 L 18.4% 0.6% 4% trillion generated (KSh 74.7 bn) M-PESA transactions value KSh 13.9 9.0% carbon footprint (tCO2e) 59 811 0.3% GDP contribution 2 6% 7% total spend Supporting local suppliers 74% 13.5% YoY Earnings before interest and tax KSh 101.0 bn 19.5% YoY Net income KSh 74.7 bn 11.4% YoY Free cash flow KSh 70.3 bn 4.8% YoY Service revenue KSh 251.2 bn 1.4% Voice service revenue KSh 94.5 bn 12.6% YoY M-PESA revenue KSh 84.4 bn 12.1% YoY Mobile data revenue KSh 40.7 bn 12.4% Messaging revenue KSh 17.2 bn 10.7% YoY Fixed service revenue KSh 9.0 bn Jobs sustained through wider economic impact 1 013 728 * Please refer to Safaricom Annual Reports or the FY20 Results booklet on the company website for further details on financial performance. 2 This is a comparative decrease that reflects a greater growth in Kenyan GDP YoY (not an actual decrease in size of contribution from Safaricom).