Safaricom - 2020 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM 2020 | SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 86 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR STAKEHOLDERS CONCLUDING REMARKS Media The media play an important role in society by providing a platform for discussion, debate and dissemination of information. They are also an important stakeholder of ours as they provide us with a channel through which we can communicate with our other stakeholders, such as our customers. Accordingly, we need to make sure that the relevant members of the media are presented with the right facts and information and that significant issues are identified and explained fully so that topics and events are reported in an accurate and balanced manner. We continue to maintain good working relationships with a wide variety of media representatives to ensure that our voice is heard on pertinent issues and to help provide information and guidance topics that are related to our areas of expertise. We are open to liaise with all members of the local, regional and international media. We work closely with both traditional and digital media houses and individuals – from radio and TV stations to print media publishers (newspapers, magazines) and digital media channels (news sites, bloggers, influencers and social media personalities). We continue to have both formal and informal engagements with journalists and bloggers. During the year, we held the following five engagements: Region/interest Attendance* North Eastern Media Engagement 50 Iftar Dinner for Muslim Journalists 64 Distribution of calendars 301 World Radio Day** (No. of radio stations) 18 Sustainable Business Report media immersion 20 * Number of journalists ** Visited radio stations with cake to celebrate the day We also provided media training to 54 regional employees during the year. We will: • have more one on one and group engagement sessions with Nairobi –based media – We are having virtual engagements with media around the days we make important announcements (e.g. Results announcements, product launches). The CEO is also having one on one engagements with select journalists and media owners and executives. • have a foreign correspondents forum – the focus of which will be on business updates and opportunities for more partnerships with foreign correspondents. Looking ahead