Safaricom - 2020 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM 2020 | SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 6 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR STAKEHOLDERS CONCLUDING REMARKS FY20 in review 1 Percentage of all diaspora remittances (International money transfers remitted from outside Kenya, mostly by Kenyans living abroad) transacted through M-PESA. This section highlights our most significant challenges and areas of progress during the 2020 financial year (FY20). Any changes in performance have been stated using year-on-year comparisons with FY19 performance. OUR CUSTOMERS OUR PEOPLE INFRASTRUCTURE Total customers Procurement spend on women-owned businesses Customer satisfaction SEMA survey M-PESA Global 1 M-PESA DigiFarm Fuliza M-Tiba Diversity 12.1% 11.9% 0.9% 2 points 10.0% 8% 34.3% 32% 63% 99% 1% 20% 23% 40% 43% 0.2% 1% No change No change No change 11% FY19: 2 9% 2% 14.2% YoY M-PESA customers* Consumer NPS of inbound diaspora remittances cumulative fibre optic footprint (km) smartphones in our network % population with 2G coverage % population with 3G coverage % population with 4G coverage residential homes connected to fibre optic network enterprise buildings connected to fibre optic network businesses connected to fibre optic network No. of people for which Universal Services Fund activity expanded mobile network coverage farmers signed up active farmers Proportion of persons living with disabilities in workforce billion amount disbursed from January 2019 to March 2020 M-Tiba customers of total workforce women in senior management Network NPS staff dismissed for fraud fatality (third party) Staff who believe that we are open in communication across various levels Staff likely to recommend Safaricom as a great place to work Mobile data customers* 35.6 m 2.3% 24.9 m 59 50% 9 000 15 m 96% 94% 77% 142 k 3 960 11 911 189 193 1.4 m 430 k 2.3% KSh 245 4.8 m 50% 35% 80 16 1 81% 92% 22.0 m 2G 3G 4G * 30-day active customers