Safaricom - 2020 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM 2020 | SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 76 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR STAKEHOLDERS CONCLUDING REMARKS A safe and secure working environment Total OSH-related incidents FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 Fatalities 1 2 0 4 LTIs (lost-time injuries) 14 2 5 0 Incidents 175 150 158 154 Medical treatment cases 18 20 22 22 Man-hours* (millions) 11.9 12.3 12 10.2 Fatal injurt frequency rate (FIFR)* 0 0 0 0.039 LTI frequency rate (LITFR)* 0.017 0.016 0.017 0 * Employee-related We continue to take our responsibility to maintain a safe working environment for staff and contractors very seriously. Regrettably, one fatality was recorded during the year. There was a traffic accident that resulted in the death of a pedestrian (third party). Road safety remains an area of focus and we continued with our road safety awareness campaigns, three card penalty system and “Tea with the CHRO” initiative for journey management offenders. Four hundred and fifty eight fleet vehicles are currently fitted with telematics. During the year, we also continued to work with our contractors to ensure they understand, and comply, with our health and safety standards. We used our quarterly engagements with suppliers and the annual supplier conference to address these issues and have offered further training and support. We also focused on the safety of casual workers carrying out trenching work and reclassified this activity as high-risk. FY20 Highlights Wellness Month Work/Life balance Employee Sports Clubs 3 683 No. of staff members who participated 93% of staff members happy with flexible working arrangements introduced by the company Safaricom Employee Sports Clubs aim to: • Offer opportunities for physical and mental exercise in pursuit of employee total wellbeing. • Promotion of strong relationships, team building and bonding through interdivisional activities. • Identify and promote internal sporting talent. • Increase confidence and boost morale amongst staff. • Give back to the community and create connections through participation in community activities. • Embed and support the Thrive Culture. 3 213 No. of flu vaccines administered 530 peer counsellors providing services 24/7 2 808 No. of yellow fever vaccines administered 4 000+ No. of staff members participating in the Nairobi and regional ‘Safarilympics’ sports days