Safaricom - 2020 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM 2020 | SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 68 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR STAKEHOLDERS CONCLUDING REMARKS Over 100 students participated in the challenge, with the winning innovation being Auto-Alcoblow, an alcohol detection and monitoring system created by Stephen Muchiri, who recently graduated from (JKUAT). The system measures the blood alcohol levels of a driver by analysing his or her breath and switches off the ignition of the vehicle if these levels exceed recommended safety guidelines. The system also switches off the vehicle if a driver begins consuming alcohol while driving. In second place was Ruth Wanjiru, a 22-year old student in her fourth year at JKUAT, whose Power in Plastics project aims to encourage the reuse and recycling of plastics and empower low-income communities. Nkanai Cynthia, 19, from Kenyatta University placed third, with her Keep A Child Warm project. Using easily available local materials, such as sisal fibre, recycled gunny bags and traditional lesos, Cynthia makes improvised blankets for distribution to street families, whom she also mentors. 47-in-1 Initiative Our Technology Division has set itself the target of installing a prefab computer laboratory in at least one primary school in every county in Kenya. Providing young students with early access to digital learning environments and tools makes a huge difiference to their skillsets and future employability and 21 labs have been funded to date. The division had planned to commission another five labs during the year, but a delay caused by the expiry of the PC supplier contract meant that deployment started late in the year and only three labs were completed in Kitui and Kwale Counties before school closures and travel restrictions related to the pandemic were introduced. Chapa Dimba na Safaricom (Season 3) We launched Season three of the tournament that seeks to grow and nurture football talent at the grassroots. The all-stars team from season two, comprising of 20 of the most outstanding players from all the regions, participated in a week-long football clinic by La Liga at Barcelona in Spain. Sixteen players from season two have been scouted for inclusion in the national team and various clubs in the national league.