Safaricom - 2020 Sustainable Business Report

61 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR STAKEHOLDERS CONCLUDING REMARKS Overall, our performance was short of the thresholds we set for ourselves and, as a result, we have increased our pool of contract teams to enhance accessibility for our customers. We also set ourselves the ambitious target of achieving a Customer Operations NPS of 50 overall in FY20, but achieved 38 for the year, due to accessibility challenges. Within this, our self-service chatbot ZURI was our top performing customer service channel and contributed 56 per cent of our overall NPS performance. This result suggests that the service is handling customer queries satisfactorily and we consider this an opportunity to increase and expand its offerings. Channel performance FY20 FY19 FY18 IVR (daily interactions) 114 851 86 000 47 000 Jitambulishe (enrolled customers, million) 3.4 1.5 0.5 MySafaricom app (total downloads, million) 5+ 3.6 2.1 ZURI users Call centre performance FY20 FY19 FY18 Sum of New Users 318 303 344 190 101 825 Average New Users 63 661 28 683 8 485 Growth in remote working One of the the significant changes during the year was the accelerated transition to remote working. The number of call centre agents working from home grew from 170 at the start of the year to 856 by April 2020. We are also pleased to report that 79 of the current cohort are persons living with disabilities. Power outages are biggest challenge we have faced; nonetheless, our remote working agents continue to post good performance with an average of 15 calls per hour answered. Channel performance (2020) 1 949 ZURI distinct daily users 114 851 IVR daily interactions 3.4 m Jitambulishe enrolled customers >5 m MySafaricom app total downloads