Safaricom - 2020 Sustainable Business Report

59 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR STAKEHOLDERS CONCLUDING REMARKS We changed our brand promise from ‘Twaweza’ to ‘For You’, which articulates our commitment to the needs of our customers. Among the significant changes we made as part of this campaign were: Changing our brand promise ‘For You’ Reorganising our shops across the country to provide a more personalised experience to customers. FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 Consumer NPS 59 61 72 70 Enterprise NPS 29 26 26 12 FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 Brand consideration 70 63 60 80 As the preceding tables illustrate, our Consumer NPS decreased significantly during the FY18-FY19 period, which we attributed to the perception then that our products and services were expensive and the decrease in consumer trust that occurred when we introduced faster data speeds. At the time, some customers were surprised by how much quicker data bundles were consumed at the faster speeds and distrusted the balances on their accounts as a result. Since then, we have worked hard to win back customer trust by focusing on the affordability of our products and services and reducing their complexity. An illustration of our efforts in this regard was the ‘For You’ campaign we launched in October 2019. The campaign sought to renew our commitment to our customers to be simple, transparent and honest. A commitment to serve our more than 33 million customers in under five minutes, both at our 50 plus Safaricom shops across the country and the Call Centre. From 1 November 2019, new customers joining the network receive SIM cards for free at Safaricom shops and dealer outlets. An increase in the sizes of available data bundles by more than 45 per cent , especially for the more affordable price points between one and 20 shillings. New customers also have the freedom to use their choice of number when they purchase a new line. A customer purchasing five shillings’ worth of data will now receive 10 MBs that will not expire , instead of 7 MBs that expires in 24 hours.