Safaricom - 2020 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM 2020 | SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 50 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR STAKEHOLDERS CONCLUDING REMARKS Sustainable waste management In FY18, we launched our Integrated Waste Management programme (IWM) in partnership with Taka Taka Solutions, a local waste management company that separates our waste for recycling. Since then, more than 97 per cent of all waste collected from our main facilities has been reused, repurposed, or recycled. During the year, we expanded the IWM programme to our shops in Nairobi and audited the waste management system to ensure that it meets our internal requirements and our ISO 14001 international standards. Managing electronic waste FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 E-waste collected (tonnes)* 1 287 1 072 855 632 * Cumulative tonnes since the inception of the project Electronic-waste or e-waste (which consists of discarded electrical or electronic devices) is an ongoing and growing problem. It remains the fastest growing stream of waste. The latest e-waste monitor report states that e-waste quantities are rising three times faster than the global population and 13 per cent faster than the global GDP during the last five years. This sharp rise creates substantial environmental and health pressures and demonstrates the urgency to shift to a new circular economy. It is for this reason that Safaricom continues to expand its e-waste management programme. We collected another 215 tonnes of e-waste this year and participated in various awareness raising campaigns and initiatives. We also worked with the government and other stakeholders in the development of the draft national e-waste strategy. We hope the strategy will be adopted for implementation by the government soon. Our e-waste programme is aligned to the draft national strategy. Marking the International E-waste Day For the second year running, we worked with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry to mark International E-waste Day. The day is used to raise awareness of the negative impacts of e-waste and to encourage customers, consumers, and government institutions to recycle devices. This year, we brought together numerous e-waste stakeholders, including the Ministry of Environment, the Communications Authority, the National Environment Management Authority, the WEEE Centre, formal and Informal recyclers, universities, and other government institutions. Through the event, we reached over 5 000 people directly and the broader Kenyan society indirectly through media coverage. Activities on the day included collections from universities, government ministries and parastatals and internally within Safaricom. We collected over 50 tonnes of e-waste as a result of this campaign. Waste collected (Kg) 168 438 Organic waste Total waste 82 887 Cardboard and paper 26 665 Plastics 5 112 Metal 2 602 Glass 3 098 Textile 3 816 Construction waste 7 292 Other waste up from 258 250 in 2019 FY19: 153 215 FY19: 68 348 FY19: 23 509 FY19: 4 414 FY19: 2615 FY19: 2 687 FY19: 823 FY19: 2 639 299 910