Safaricom - 2020 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM 2020 | SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 42 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR STAKEHOLDERS CONCLUDING REMARKS Our network 1 Formerly P3 Communications Our Network is the core foundation of our business. It is the platform through which we deliver our products and services and on our promise to transform lives. Our network is a piece of critical infrastructure that facilitates inclusive, sustainable economic development and innovation. We recognise the role that network connectivity plays in relation to building socio-economic resilience in societies. The critical components of our network are quality, availability and coverage. We remain committed to building a network infrastructure that is resilient. Network quality We continue to use independent QoS testing to monitor and manage the quality of our network. According to the results of the tests conducted by Umlaut 1 ( , we maintained our first-place position across all seven voice and data service categories. We attribute this to several initiatives, including the rollout of additional 4G-enabled sites (thereby improving coverage), upgrading our backbone transmission capacity and increasing overall capacity within the core network (supporting increased levels of data traffic), ongoing optimisation initiatives (improving user call and data experience), and sustained efforts to improve network availability. Customer satisfaction is the heart of our business and the most important metric we measure. We use the network-related Net Promoter Score (NPS) to help us measure the contribution the performance of our network makes to customer satisfaction. The NPS is an independent survey of customer satisfaction and the ‘Network NPS’ metric allows us to monitor whether our customers are experiencing the improvements we make to the network. While NPS is a useful indicator, it is important to note that it measures customer perceptions and opinions regarding network performance, not actual network performance. Customer satisfaction FY17 FY18 FY20 FY19 Signal coverage Voice quality Data coverage Data speed Network NPS Overall 58 69 44 63 43 69 77 54 72 56 75 87 65 80 61 76 86 66 80 57 We are committed to developing reliable, sustainable and resilient network infrastructure and to providing universal and affordable access to data for all. We have set targets to roll out 4G coverage to 80% of the Kenyan population and to extend our fibre optic footprint.