Safaricom - 2020 Sustainable Business Report

35 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS OUR STAKEHOLDERS CONCLUDING REMARKS Employee ethics training and awareness sessions Anti-corruption preventative measures (% of total employees) FY20 FY19 FY18 FY17 Ethics and anti- corruption training 98% 96% 98% 98% High-risk departments* 98% 98% 98% 98% Medium-risk departments 98% 98% 98% 98% * Due to the nature of their work, these departments are more susceptible to fraud We achieved a 98 per cent participation rate again this year. The slight drop to 96 per cent in the previous reporting period was due to the timing of the team building sessions and staff awareness events in FY19. If we are unable to plug into the main sessions and events, we follow up with e-learning sessions at an individual level instead, which can lead to a slower and lower response rate. Ethics awareness sessions are conducted annually. Following feedback from our ethics perception survey, topics covered include Ethics risks, Data privacy & information risks, Cyber security rules, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Business Continuity Planning (BCP). These awareness sessions highlight policies such as the employee code of conduct, which outlines the importance of reporting any ethical issues in the business, and by which all staff and Board members are required to make a regular declaration against conflicts of interest. Staff ethics training to promote an ethical culture within the organisation also takes place annually, supplemented by mandatory e-learning courses. These empower staff to successfully address any risks arising in their departments or roles. Our ethics and compliance function was audited internally to ensure its continued efficiency in promoting ethical business practices and fighting corruption, both internally and among our partners. Ethics training for our partners KYC and ethics training for business partners FY20 FY19 Dealers 309 (75%) 282 (64%) M-PESA Agents 63 812 61 567 Suppliers 286 248 We continued to promote ethical business practices among our business partners during the year. We held ethics sessions and anti-fraud training with our M-PESA agents, dealers and suppliers. Topics covered included identifying fake currency, anti-money laundering responsibilities, the duty to report and gift declarations We supplemented the sessions with ethics-related newsletters. We collect all Know Your Customer (KYC) documents to ensure compliance and introduced the Safaricom Jiandikishe app during the year, which makes the subscriber registration process simpler and, therefore, makes it easier for dealers to meet regulatory obligations. We also continued to mandate that suppliers sign up to the Code of Ethics for Businesses in Kenya and their contracts are not renewed unless they do so. Ninety-seven per cent of our suppliers have signed up to date. Demographics of the board Male Female Independent Non- executives Non- executives Executives 1 9 2 70% 30% GENDER COMPOSITION