Part of our work to transform lives throughout Kenyan society takes place through investment by the Safaricom and M-PESA Foundations. This financial year is the first in which we have implemented the Safaricom Foundation 2018- 2021 strategy. The three pillars of the strategy are health, education and empowerment. These pillars are further split into the following programme areas: maternal and child health, non-communicable diseases, technical and vocational training, improving learning outcomes and youth economic empowerment.

Aimed at building a stable and inclusive society, the Safaricom Foundation spent a total of KSh 434 million on 157 projects that transformed the lives of 185,513 individuals.

* Percentage of total spend ** Number of lives transformed

Foundation initiatives to improve health and well-being included access to cancer screening, medical camps and the renovation and equipment of health centres and maternity wings. KSh 44 million was spent on strategies to enhance maternal health and prevent and manage noncommunicable diseases.

The M-PESA Foundation established a number of programmes including Uzazi Salama (“safe pregnancy”). These interventions saw immunisation figures increase from 49% of children to 60%. Furthermore, 6,000 mother-baby packs were given to women delivering at facilities in Samburu County.