2019 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2019 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONCLUDING REMARKS 76 OUR BUSINESS PARTNERS Our business partners are our agents, dealers and suppliers, on whom we rely both operationally and in terms of our reputation, since they help to drive transformation through our products and services. We have a tremendous opportunity to encourage sustainable practices throughout our business ecosystem, value chain and society at large by engaging with these partners. Our business partner network comprises 1,138 suppliers, 433 active dealers and 167,083 M-PESA agents. AGENTS Where in previous years our agents dealt mainly in airtime, data and M-PESA products, sometimes informally selling devices, in FY19 we have introduced formalised device sales and attendant sales targets. FY19 FY18 FY17 FY16 M-PESA Agents 167,083 156,000 130,000+ 100,744 ENGAGEMENT WITH OUR AGENTS ADDING VALUE FOR OUR AGENTS: 28 Biannual principal forums held Quarterly agent assistant training on M-PESA innovations, fraud trends, KYC and AML held in all sales areas Financing • increased availability of financing to agent head offices by onboarding Stanbic as a banking partner • doubled weekly financing issued to 1,600 agent head offices to KSh 1 billion • introduced close float monitoring by agents’ account managers Security • emphasised the importance of KYC, enforcing compliance by agent head offices, sub-agents and sub-agents’ assistants • invested in counterfeit currency detectors (UV lights) for M-PESA agent shops • security box incentive scheme, financing 40% of the cost of CCTV cameras to combat fraud and theft. 1,260 cameras issued in FY19 Reward schemes • Stawisha Biashara (Enhance Your Business) promotion • enables agents to earn a point for every 1,000 transactions facilitated • Points can be redeemed by USSD for cash via their M-PESA accounts