2019 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2019 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONCLUDING REMARKS 73 The programme covers the seven essential domains of our digital future, mapping them to real business challenges and opportunities: • Cloud computing • Cyber security • Mobile and web app development • Dev-ops • Data science and analytics • Future network technologies such as 5G, SDN (software- defined networking), IoT, NFV (network functions virtualisation) • Agile methodology and design thinking SAFARICOM DISCOVER GRADUATE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Our Discover programme is a graduate management trainee programme that enables greater talent mobility within the business and supports our drive to make Safaricom increasingly global by accelerating the development of our talent pool. The 18-month programme incorporates rotations within and across functions in an accelerated learning environment to build depth and breadth of experience, and is designed to prepare future leaders to assume challenging responsibilities and roles. Each year we hire 20 graduates, split 50:50 by gender. We currently have 73 Discover trainees. SAFARICOM INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME Our internship programme provides university students with three months’ job experience wherein students are exposed to real-life work scenarios and challenges. The programme provides a holistic view of how corporations are structured, fosters teamwork and provides an opportunity to build confidence. Seventy-five of our interns in the year under review work under our “liquid workforce” programme, geared toward developing employees able to adapt and change based on their environment and meet the challenges of the digital age. The programme prepares students for a corporate career by furnishing the skills and experiences to make them employable after college while paying them a stipend. A SAFE AND SECURE WORKING ENVIRONMENT We take any potential risk to our staff seriously. We have occupational health and safety (OSH) protocols in place to ensure the physical security of staff, including strict security measures on all of our sites. In the event of a security incident, staff receive real-time SMS alerts and updates. Total OSH-related incidents FY19 FY18 FY17 FY16 Fatalities 2 0 4 3 LTIs (lost time injuries) 2 5 0 2 Incidents 150 158 154 191 Medical treatment cases 20 22 22 17 Man-hours* (millions) 12.3 12 10.2 9.4 Fatal injury frequency rate (FIFR)* 0 0 0.039 0 LTI frequency rate (LITFR)* 0.016 0.017 0 0.2 * Only Safaricom employee man-hours are tracked, so the FIFR and LTIFR are derived from the single recorded employee LTI In FY19, the number of OSH-related incidents, LTIs and medical treatment cases were down year-on-year. Two tragic fatalities were recorded during the reporting period, both involving contract staff, and we have used our quarterly engagements with suppliers and the annual supplier conference to: address the need for enhanced awareness and oversight on contractor activities; offer training around common health and safety standards; provide assessment tools that enable our suppliers to identify and understand the areas in which they may not meet standards, and the associated risks. Discover alumni/alumnae working at Safaricom • 1 member of senior management • 12 managers • 7 Future leaders