2019 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2019 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONCLUDING REMARKS 71 96% 94% 95% 85 72 71 73 84 72 Successful change management Innovation Happiness Index Diversity & inclusion Communication across tiers of influence Speedy decision making Work-life balance Ethics & compliance Internal processes of staff believe that the recent changes in the business will contribute to the future success of Safricom. of staff believe Safaricom is innovative and are likely to recommend our products. Our culture engagement journey has fostered better working relationships and embedded the Safaricom purpose of tranforming lives. of staff believe that we celebrate our diverse workforce. Staff feel that they can communicate honestly to all levels. We encourage continuous engagement in divisions through skip-level meetings*. Adopting agile ways of working has enabled us to improve our decision-making processes. Flexible work schedules enable employees to meet personal commitments. Staff are significantly more confident in reporting unethical behaviour. This can be attributed to our focus on Ethics and Compliance awareness and training. The processes that support staff in performing their work have been significantly streamlined and simplified. +4 vs FY18 +2 vs FY18 +8 vs FY18 +11 vs FY18 +6 vs FY18 +10 vs FY18 * Meetings in which a manager’s manager meets with employees to improve overall communication. SEMA SURVEY SUMMARY RESULTS: