2019 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2019 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONCLUDING REMARKS 65 CHILD ONLINE SAFETY ADVOCACY A particular area of interest for us is online safety, given that we provide internet connectivity and content both for devices and homes through our Home Fibre network. We have put controls in place to ensure the online safety of our data products. In FY19, we collaborated with the GSMA, UNICEF and other MNOs to develop and launch the WeCare campaign initiative, the first of its kind in Africa, and developed and launched the child online safety industry charter. We have hosted forums such as Safer Internet Day, which aims to enhance the safety of children online. Case Study: 47-in-1 Computer laboratories, providing students with early access to digital learning environments and tools, can be a game-changer in an individual’s eventual employability and earning power. Our Technology Division has rolled out prefab computer labs in primary schools. Our aim is to have a lab in at least one primary school in every county in Kenya as part of our 47-in-1 initiative. Twenty-one counties have completed fundraising activities for the programme, raising KSh 98 million of the KSh 112 million target. We have deployed a total of 18 computer labs, most recently in Turkana.