2019 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2019 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONCLUDING REMARKS 64 PROMOTING AND PROTECTING CHILDREN’S RIGHTS In the year under review, we conducted our first Children’s Rights assessment using the UNICEF Mobile Operators’ Child Rights Self-Assessment Tool (MO- CRIA). The tool provides guidance for mobile operators on assessing their policies and processes as they relate to children’s rights. MO-CRIA assesses the measures our business has deployed to safeguard against infringing the rights of the child under three risk assessment categories derived from the UNICEF and Save The Children framework: Risk Category Functional Areas Action Implemented by Safaricom Workplace Legal • Security • Employer supported childcare • Child-friendly workplace • Upholding/promoting the wellbeing of children • Child online safety measures for our data products • Health and safety – clinics within premises to cater for children at the work place Human resources Product development Security and emergencies Marketplace Sales and marketing • Avoid using children in advertising unless entirely necessary • Portray children positively where used in advertising • Children’s compensation for modelling in an advert must be at the same rate as adults • Continue to hold suppliers accountable through impromptu visits and inspections to ensure they do not employ children in any part of their value chain • Communicate labour rights to suppliers, 96% of whom are signatories to the UN Global Compact 10 Principles, one of which commits the members to uphold labour rights and avoid child labour Procurement Community Corporate social investment and compliance • CSI programmes focusing on children’s health, education and empowerment • Ensure non-encroachment on to spaces used by children in site acquisition and laying of fibre optic cables Network operations Legal CSR & Compliance Human Resources Procurement Product Development Sales & Marketing Network Operations MO-CRIA Assessment Results 77% 23% 26% 31% 64% 56% 40% 74% 69% 36% 44% 100% 60% Yes No The results of this assessment were mixed; in some areas, we met the commitments we made, while in others, we have lagged behind. In the upcoming financial year we aim to implement the recommendations arising from the assessment, such as reviewing our and procedures to ensure we meet our commitments across all the areas.