2019 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2019 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONCLUDING REMARKS 4 THE PURPOSE OF OUR SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT This report presents the progress we have made toward our goal of building a more sustainable future. We believe in holding ourselves accountable and sharing our successes, our challenges and our constraints in a public, transparent and open manner — a journey we have been documenting since 2012. This report defines what sustainability means to us, and how it informs our strategic thinking and day-to-day operations. It explains how we have integrated sustainable business practices and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into our corporate strategy and business model, and describes our performance through the broad context of sustainability, our wider socio- economic and environmental impact and the value we create for Kenyan society (using the KPMG “True Value” methodology). TOWARDS REDUCING INEQUALITIES This report demonstrates how our business strategies are designed to reduce inequalities by addressing the needs of the society in which we operate through our various products and services, as well as integrating various stakeholder groups into our value chain, stimulating economic and social transformation and providing access to communications infrastructure and products for business growth. The report also serves to raise awareness of the sustainability challenges society faces and ensure that these remain part of the discussion in Kenya and around the world. It is an explicit responsibility of our continued membership of the B-Team and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), and an expression of our belief in the principles enshrined in the Code of Ethics for Business in Kenya. The first part of this report details our approach and performance in terms of the economic, environmental and social impact of our business operations (our “material topics”) and focuses on our key sustainability drivers, operating model and aspirations. The second part provides insight into the nature of our relationships with our ecosystem of stakeholders and how much value we contribute to Kenyan society. Throughout this report, icons representing the relevant SDGs connect the goals to our socio-economic and environmental performance and our stakeholder engagement activities. For details of our company profile, products and services, and spread of market operations, please refer to the company website: https://www.safaricom.co.ke/about. About our reporting Our sustainable business reporting focuses on activities and imperatives that are both of material importance to our business and of interest to our various stakeholders. This report covers our fiscal year of 01 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 and has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option. This Sustainability Report should be read together with the Safaricom Annual Report and Financial Statements 2019 to understand how we bring value to our stakeholders. For more information on the material topics and purpose of our reporting, methodology and assurance process, please visit: https://www.safaricom . co.ke/about/transforming-lives/ sustainability. Our 2019 Annual Report provides information beyond the scope of our sustainability activities and is available on: https://www. safaricom.co.ke/investor-relation/ financials/reports/annual-reports