2019 Sustainable Business Report
SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2019 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONCLUDING REMARKS 56 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Our stakeholders are individuals, communities or organisations who are affected by, or who may influence, our business. This includes our customers, shareholders, business partners (suppliers, agents and dealers) and employees; our regulators, the media and Kenyan society as a whole. This section defines the categories of stakeholders with whom we engage, including demographics, extent of reach, engagement channels and stakeholder responses, as well as the nature of our relationship with them. There have been no significant changes to the categories of stakeholders from last year. Listening and responding to stakeholder needs and feedback remains an important aspect of our business. It is in line with our strategic pillar of putting the customer first and helps inform our contributions towards reducing inequalities. Formally and informally, we consider ourselves to be in constant dialogue with our stakeholders, and we feed what we learn from them into the decisions we make and the actions we take in shaping the sustainability strategies and priorities of the organisation. IN THIS SECTION 58 OUR CUSTOMERS 61 SOCIETY 68 OUR EMPLOYEES 74 OUR REGULATORS 76 OUR BUSINESS PARTNERS 80 OUR SHAREHOLDERS 82 THE MEDIA
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