2019 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2019 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONCLUDING REMARKS 31 CUSTOMER FRAUD AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS Through road shows and local language campaigns in televisual, digital, print and radio media (such as Jichanue and our awareness campaign around the 333 fraud reporting hotline), we have raised public awareness about emerging social engineering fraud schemes. Through these channels we share the steps customers can take to avoid falling victim to scams, as well as information for reporting fraud. Customer Fraud Awareness in Numbers This has aided us in speedily identifying fraudsters and taking action to combat them. Customer tip-offs have enabled us to block fraudulent subscribers faster and improve fraud controls. GSMA MOBILE MONEY CERTIFICATION One of our top aspirations for the year under review was to attain GSMA Mobile Money Certification for our M-PESA policies and practices. We became one of the first five mobile money providers ever to obtain the certification. The GSMA commissioned a professional certification body to carry out a rigorous independent audit of our mobile money-related practices and policies. Upon successful resolution of the issues raised, Safaricom was awarded the certification on 3 April 2018. FM Stations expert opinion interview on national televisIon Live chats via social media Coverage during activities such as rig activations Opinion piece in daily newspapers 22 1 2 1 Estimated total population coverage 6 million The GSMA Mobile Money Certification is a global initiative by the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) and associated operators to ensure safer, more transparent, more resilient financial services for millions of mobile money users. It defines and promotes excellence in mobile money services, enhances consumer trust, accelerates commercial partnerships and sets benchmarks. FY16 FY18 FY17 FY19 5 0 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 55 60 35 45 Number of Cases Financial Year Addressing Corruption and Fraud Fraud cases investigated Anti-corruption Corrective Measures Outcomes of investigations Disciplinary warnings Dismissals* Cases reported to law enforcement agencies * One case, involving process negligence, led to 35 further dismissals. This has not been included, however, since it is not necessarily an anti- corruption corrective measure. 31 33 57 30 12 14 10 0 16 52 18 2 3 3 14 43