2019 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2019 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONCLUDING REMARKS 21 Good Health and Well-being: “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.” Our contribution: Leveraging our mobile technologies to transform lives by improving access to quality and affordable health care services and by promoting well-being for all. • Our award-winning M-Tiba, in partnership with CarePay, is a health payments solution with an e-wallet which enables users to save towards healthcare expenses from as little as KSh 10. M-Tiba now has over 4.4 million users, 1,405 approved health facilities countrywide, and to date over KSh 600 million has been paid out. • The Thrive programme, designed to boost the well-being of our more than 6,000 employees with its focus on body, mind, heart and soul. • Fafanuka, an SMS and unstructured service supplementary data (USSD) service to educate the public, patients, nurses, community health workers and caregivers on how to prevent, screen for, diagnose, manage and follow up non-communicable diseases (NCDs), has reached 5,400 unique subscribers. Quality Education: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” Our contribution: Expanding access to education through innovative solutions, our network and through partnerships. • Our unstructured service supplementary data (USSD) and SMS service Shupavu291, which enables students and teachers to take quizzes, search subjects to study and access Wikipedia summaries without an internet connection, currently has 580,126 active subscribers and so far has been used by 4,129,058 learners since its launch in 2016. • The M-PESA Foundation Academy provides 700 economically disadvantaged students access to a high-quality education through world-class learning facilities, focused on building leadership and entrepreneurship skills. Affordable and Clean Energy: “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.” Our contribution: Transitioning to the use of clean energy at our sites and leveraging technology to provide clean energy solutions, including payment solutions for local and renewable energy solutions. • We have introduced science-based carbon reduction targets to help us plan our progress towards becoming a net-zero carbon emitting company by the year 2050. • We have transitioned 196 (3.7%) of our sites to renewable and hybrid energy sources – up from 155 (2.5%) in FY18. • In partnership with M-Kopa Solar, we have provided access to solar energy to over 500,000 households with a positive impact on 2.4 million lives. Decent Work and Economic Growth: “Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.” Our contribution: Providing decent work within Safaricom and its broader ecosystem, including enforcing effective health and safety practices both internally and by suppliers while at the same time contributing to the local and national economy through innovative solutions to increase employment and facilitate economic activity amongst suppliers and clients. • We sustained 187,756 jobs directly and indirectly through our operations. • Under Project Magenta, our commitment to improving the working conditions of our outsourced staff, we have implemented a living wage (KSh 19,639.95), which is considerably higher than the defined minimum wage (KSh 13,572.00), for our security guarding contracts. • Comprehensive maternal and child health programmes and medical camps by the Safaricom and M-PESA Foundations, which are improving access to quality, affordable and accessible services for women and children, have impacted on over 100,000 lives across the country.