2019 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2019 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONCLUDING REMARKS 20 Partnerships for the Goals: “Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development.” Our contribution: Partnering and building the collective capacity of people, organisations and nations to promote and advance the SDGs. • Membership of B-Team Africa allows us to champion responsible and ethical business practices in Africa. • We participate in Big Data for Social Good. • Six portfolio companies to date have a close commercial partnership with Safaricom (Sendy, mSurvey, Eneza, Lynk, Farm Drive and iProcure). Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.” Our contribution: Delivering connectivity and innovative products and services that will provide unmatched solutions to meet the needs of Kenyans. • Our mobile network coverage – 96% of the population covered by 2G, 93% by 3G and 57% by 4G. • We have connected 107,762 homes and 5,992 businesses to high speed internet through our fibre optic network. Reducing Inequalities: “Reduce inequality within and among countries.” Our contribution: Reducing inequalities by enabling equal access to opportunities to everyone, especially to vulnerable groups, using Safaricom leadership, network, solutions and technology. • A diverse and inclusive workforce: we have achieved a 50:50 gender balance among our employees, and 34% of senior management are women. In addition, 2.1% of our staff are persons living with disabilities. • We have Women in Business initiative targets in place to increase the share of women-owned businesses in our supply chain from the current 3.2% to 10% by the end of 2020. • We have partnered with device suppliers to provide affordable smart devices such as the Neon Kicka (3G) (KSh 3,500) and Neon Lite (4G) (KSh 4,999), to enable our customers to access internet. Currently 38% of the devices on our network are smart devices (3G and 4G capable). • In the year under review, we reduced the cost of data per MB by 42%. Responsible Consumption and Production: “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.” Our contribution: Managing our operations responsibly, decreasing our environmental impact and promoting responsible behaviour among our stakeholders. • We have reduced by 50% the amount of plastic used in our SIM cards. • 97% (253 tonnes) of the waste collected in our admin buildings in the year under review was recycled. • 1,072 tonnes of e-waste has been collected and recycled to date. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.” Our contribution: Managing our operations responsibly and ethically and fighting corruption in all its forms. • 96% of our suppliers have signed up to the Code of Ethics for Businesses in Kenya. • 282 dealers (64%), 61,567 (38%) agents and 248 suppliers have been trained on Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements for registration of customers to combat money-laundering and other crimes associated with mobile technology. • 96% of staff have undertaken ethics and anti-corruption training. OUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS In making the SDGs a central pillar of our business, we have made sustainable development a part of the organisational and business culture at Safaricom.