2019 Sustainable Business Report

SAFARICOM SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT 2019 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT CONCLUDING REMARKS 17 Our network We deliver our services through 4,949 network sites that provide 96% of the population with 2G coverage, 93% with 3G and 57% with 4G. Consumer business Mobile Data Mobile broadband services Value for Shareholders Annual revenue 250.3 KSh billion Value for Kenyan Society TRUE VALUE IMPACT ON SOCIETY Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals Messaging SMS and MMS services Devices Handsets, routers and other devices Voice Prepaid and post-paid voice call plans Fixed Services Fixed fibre and leased lines, wireless and hosted services M-PESA Mobile money transfer and payment services Enterprise business Financial Services Support Services Technology, Corporate Security, Corporate Affairs, Business Development, Human Resources, Finance Our relationships Our commitment to value-building is illustrated through our numerous relationships. We have 31.8 m (90-day active) customers, 167,083 M-PESA agents, 433 dealers, 1,138 suppliers, 4,503 permanent employees, as well as other stakeholders. INPUTS OUTPUTS PROCESSES OUTCOMES OUR BUSINESS MODEL Please refer to our Annual Report for further detailed information about our financial performance. PROFIT Contribution to GDP KSh 62.5 billion Jobs sustained in 2019 9.6 x 6.3% 979K