Safaricom 2018 Sustainable Business Report

6 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 2018 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT FY18 IN REVIEW 1.7% colleagues are differently-abled people × 0.3% 98% staff trained on ethics and anti-corruption 32% proportion of women in senior management × 2% staff members proud to work at Safaricom (SEMA Survey*) 97% × 2% dismissals for fraud 43 Ø 17% This section highlights our most significant challenges and areas of progress during FY18. Any changes in performance have been stated using year-on-year comparisons with FY17 performance. * The SEMA Survey is an annual internal survey that solicits feedback from all staff on various metrics within the business. jobs sustained (FY18 True Value assessment) 171,369 × 5% Fatalities 0