Safaricom 2018 Sustainable Business Report

75 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 2018 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT STAFF HEALTH AND SAFETY S D G 8 11.9 0 0 0.017 5 22 158 FY18 10.2 4 0.039 0 0 22 154 FY17 9.42 3 0 0.2 2 17 191 FY16 9.2 4 0.022 0.0.43 4 21 106 FY15 Manhours Worked (million) Fatalities Lost-Time Injuries (LTIs) Medical Treatment Cases Health and Safety Incidents Fatal Injury Frequency Rate (FIFR)* LTI Frequency Rate (LTIFR) * Employee-related We take our responsibility to maintain a safe working environment for staff and contractors very seriously and are delighted to report no fatalities this year. One of the Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) sustained during the year was an employee and the other four were sustained by contractors. This satisfying performance is attributed to the tangible commitment of the Safaricom leadership to the importance of employee health and safety, in general, and our focus on road safety over the last few years, specifically, including the recent introduction of the “Tea with Bob” initiative, which has helped drive behavioural change and reduce speed and other traffic-related incidents.