Safaricom 2018 Sustainable Business Report

74 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 2018 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT S D G 8 The preceding table (on page 73) describes the movement of members of staff during the year by career level and gender. The percentages in the table represent the proportion of the staff population at that career level and gender (not the proportion of the total staff population). As the table describes, a higher percentage of female staff in senior management joined the company during the year, as well as moved laterally within the company, and exited voluntarily. In middle management, an equal percentage of the male and female members of staff exited the company voluntarily. Diversity and inclusion (% of total work force) FY20 Target FY18 FY17 FY16 Differently-abled people 5% 1.7% 1.4% 1.2% We have set ourselves an aggressive target of increasing the number of our colleagues who are differently-abled to 5 per cent by March 2021. We have made some progress during the year, but it was a year of preparation and researching best practices overall. As well as providing each division with specific targets for the next three years, we began an outreach programme at institutions of higher learning to meet and explore career options with differently-abled people during the year. The purpose of the programme is to learn more about the needs of differently-abled people and to ensure that they are aware of the opportunities we offer. We have also started working with several organisations, such as the Kenya Union for the Blind (KUB) and the Kenyan Paraplegic Organisation (KPO), to form a network through which we can identify suitable candidates. We are also liaising closely with our existing colleagues who are differently-abled to better understand their needs and challenges, providing them with talent mapping and job shadowing opportunities and interview skills training. STAFF MORALE We continue to measure employee morale using the Employee Engagement and Manager Index, which is part of our ‘SEMA Survey’, and staff turnover rates. Overall, staff morale appears to have improved again this year, with the latest Index results suggesting that 90 per cent of employees are happy with employment conditions at the company, in general, and are reasonably motivated or engaged with their work. This overall perception of high morale is again supported by a staff turnover of only 5.4 per cent. Staff Morale FY18 FY17 FY16 FY15 Employee Engagement Index 90% 84% 75% 75% Manager Engagement Index 87% 85% 81% 81% Staff Turnover Rate (% of total workforce) 5.4% 5.2% 5.6% 5.7% The results of the SEMA Survey suggested strong improvement in many areas and continued good performance against benchmarks. Responses to several questions were more than 10 per cent higher than the previous survey, which is evidence of real change. Interestingly, the Kaa Chonjo (SMS) channel appears to be considered the most effective, with a 96 per cent positive rating. The number of employees describing themselves as ‘engaged’ increased from 88 per cent in FY17 to 91 per cent this year and an impressive 97 per cent of employees reported that they are ‘proud’ to work at Safaricom. Belief in both our purpose as a company and the SDG strategy remained at over 90 per cent and 80 per cent of employees believe that the Thrive programme has contributed to their wellbeing. Members of staff remain able to voice their needs and expectations through a variety of channels besides the SEMA Survey, including the Staff Council and the Sema na CEO (“speak with the CEO”) chat room. S D G 1 0