Safaricom 2018 Sustainable Business Report

72 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 2018 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT EMPLOYEES We remain committed to being a world-class employer and take our responsibility to maintain a productive, supportive and safe working environment seriously. Our vision of transforming lives begins with transforming the lives of our employees and a key aspect of this vision is to create a supportive working environment that allows us to attract, develop and retain the best staff. We continue to measure staff morale using an annual SEMA Survey, staff turnover rates, the Staff Council and the Sema na CEO chat room. OUR WORKFORCE DEMOGRAPHICS We classify our employees by the following attributes: age; gender; job grade; location; and contract status (permanent or contractor). The size of our workforce increased by 466 people during the year, which was largely the staffing of the new contact centre in Eldoret and new recruits joining the Alpha innovation hub. Age The clear majority of our employees remain Kenyans in their 30s, based in Nairobi, with this age cohort still accounting for over 60 per cent of the workforce. There were marginal gains made in the 40s and 20s age groups, and slight decreases in the numbers of employees in the 50s and 60s age groups. Employees by Contract Status FY18 FY17 FY16 FY15 Permanent 4,376 4,245 4,287 4,192 Contractor* 1,180 845 468 515 Employees by Age Bracket (years) FY18 FY17 FY16 FY15 60s 0.04% 0.08% 0.1% 0.1% 50s 1.58% 1.36% 1% 1% 40s 14.99% 13.75% 19% 13% 30s 61.05% 63.58% 67% 70% 20s 22.34% 21.23% 13% 16% FY18 FY17 FY16 FY15 Employees by Age Bracket & Type 0 70% 90% 80% 100% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% YEAR Contractor Permanent 20s 30s 40s 50s+ * We define a contractor as someone on a fixed-term (3-6 month) contract. PERCENTAGE