Safaricom 2018 Sustainable Business Report

30 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 2018 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT Overall, we are satisfied with the performance of our monitoring processes during the year. The processes we employ appear to be an effective combination. The one change we intend to make next year reflects the growing maturity and sophistication of our approach. In FY19, we intend to conduct risk assessments at the departmental level, rather than the current divisional level. This new approach will triple the number of assessments we need to conduct within the year, but it will enable us to monitor operational risks at a much more detailed, granular level. S D G 1 6 Addressing Corruption and Fraud ANTI-CORRUPTION CORRECTIVE MEASURES OUTCOMES OF INVESTIGATIONS Fraud Cases Investigated Disciplinary warnings Dismissals Cases reported to law enforcement agencies While it is difficult to accept any number of disciplinary actions and dismissals, we are satisfied with our ability to detect and investigate unethical behaviour. Regrettably, we recognise that it is unlikely a business the size of ours will ever be free from fraud entirely and that the better we get at detecting it, the more effectively it is concealed. It is also worth noting that it is 10 warnings and 43 dismissals out of 5,556 employees. Overall, our main goal remains to have procedures in place that show that we are proactively detecting, investigating and penalising wrongdoing. 57 FY18 43 10 3 # # # # FY17 33 52 14 3 29 FY15 58 13 4 31 FY16 16 12 2