Safaricom 2018 Sustainable Business Report

18 INTRODUCTION OUR BUSINESS OUR MATERIAL TOPICS STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 2018 SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS REPORT OUR SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS STRATEGY Our sustainable business strategy unites our sustainability vision with our corporate strategy and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Integrated into the business in 2017, the SDGs have enabled us to unite our three-pillared corporate strategy with our sustainability vision and to translate our strategic sustainability ambitions into specific, measurable objectives for every division, department and team. SUSTAINABILITY VISION We aspire to use our products and services to transform lives and contribute to sustainable living throughout Kenya. Based on this fundamental aspiration, our vision sets out how we use our ability to deliver connectivity and innovative services to improve the quality of life and livelihoods of all Kenyans. Central to achieving this vision is our commitment to managing our operations responsibly and ethically. Our vision is based upon the twin pillars of responsible, ethical business and transformational products and services. INTEGRATED SDGS The purpose of integrating the SDGs is to convert our sustainability ideals into a set of meaningful, realistic and tangible daily objectives for every member of the company. The first phase of this process involved asking each division to select the goals most relevant to their activities and then communicating the importance of the goals to every employee. Based on the deliberations of the divisions, we identified nine SDGs to integrate into our business operations. We have since mapped products, services and processes against the SDGs. In the future, our focus will be to report against SDG-related targets and, ultimately, to empower individuals to set their own SDG-related objectives. CORPORATE STRATEGY Our corporate strategy is based on three strategic objectives: ‘Customer First’, ‘Relevant Products’ and ‘Operational Excellence’. ‘Customer First’ requires understanding our 29 million customers and their specific needs better by classifying and analysing them in much smaller groups or ‘segments’. ‘Relevant Products’ requires using our better understanding of customer needs and challenges to design more relevant products and services that meet those exact needs. ‘Operational Excellence’ requires us to assess every aspect of the business from the perspective of how well it is serving the customer and helping to deliver quality experiences to them. O p e r a t i o n a l E x c e l l e n c e R e l e v a n t p r o d u c t s & s e r v i c e s C u s t o m e r F i r s t Responsible, ethical business Transformational products and service