How we calculate our emissions

We have calculated and published our carbon footprint for the sixth time this year. Our emissions are composed of ‘scope 1’ emissions, which include the diesel consumed in our generators, the fuel used in our fl eet vehicles and the fugitive emissions associated with our air-conditioning systems, ‘scope 2’ emissions, which are the indirect emissions associated with our consumption of purchased electricity, and ‘scope 3’ emissions, which include other indirect sources, such as air travel and taxi hire. We have expressed our emissions as ‘Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent’ (tCO2e), which is the standard for comparing different greenhouse gases ‘relative to one unit of CO2’. We have calculated our carbon footprint using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (Revised edition). Our consolidation approach for calculating our emissions is operational control. The latest electricity emission factor for Kenya published by Ecometrica ( has been used. For the other energy sources, air travel and refrigerant gases; we used the 2014-15 tCO2e Emission Factors from the UK Governmental Departments for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Energy and Climate Change (DECC). Further information about our carbon footprint is available in the main section of this report.