Embedding Sustainability

Concluding Remarks

We hope that our report has presented you with a satisfying and meaningful overview of the role sustainability plays in our day-to-day operations and business practices. Through this report, we have tried to describe what sustainability means to us, how it unties us as an organisation, how it governs us internally and how it guides us externally.

We publish an annual sustainability report as a tangible expression our commitment to transform lives and to operate in a responsible and ethical manner. It is also a reflection of our belief in holding ourselves accountable and sharing our successes, challenges and constraints in a public, transparent and open manner.

This report is also an explicit responsibility of our continued membership of the UN Global Compact Network Kenya (GCNK) and an expression of our enthusiastic adherence to the principles enshrined in the Code of Ethics for Business in Kenya.

An exciting opportunity

From a sustainability perspective, an exciting recent development has been the launch of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The successors to the Millennium Development Goals, the SDGs are an articulation of how we can work together to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.

“It was not obvious how a Goal like ‘Good jobs and economic growth’ could relate with my role at Safaricom, but after reasoning about it with the team, I realised that I can make a difference by ensuring that we adhere to good labour practices amongst suppliers in Kenya. This work has encouraged me to connect deeper with the purpose of my job and has really boosted my motivation..”

Samuel Ngugi, Senior Supply Chain Manager

Adopted in September 2015, we believe that the SDGs offer us a way of embedding sustainability into our thinking and even further into the core of the business.
This process has begun in earnest and one of the outcomes is an enhanced purpose statement for the business that aligns our vision of transforming lives, new business strategy and material matters with the SDG objectives. Much of the early work in this process has been to convert the SDGs from a list of noble ideals into a set of tangible, meaningful and realistic daily objectives for us as a company. We look forward to sharing our discoveries and progress in this regard in our report next year.

We commit to deliver connectivity and innovative (Goal 9) deliver connectivity and innovative (Goal 9) products and services that will provide unmatched solutions to meet the needs of Kenyans by enabling access (Goal 10) through our technologies and partners (Goal 17) and by exploring opportunities in Health (Goal 3), Education(Goal 4) and Energy (Goal 7). We will do so by managing our operations responsibly (Goal 12) and ethically (Goal 16). This will l stimulate growth stimulate growth and generate value (Goal 8) for our company, society and economy.

“We are aware integrating sustainability is an uncertain journey of which we have just begun. Our success so far has been underpinned by the effort we have put in towards engaging in open conversations across board with our colleagues in order to bring the SDGs closer to our business.”

Stephen Chege Director of Corporate Affairs

For more information about the Sustainable Development Goals, visit the UN website